Case-based discussion Objective Activity / Workbook
Case-based discussion Workbook
This workbook has been prepared to support osteopaths in undertaking a case-based discussion. A case-based discussion is an example of ‘an objective activity’ – it’s a means of getting objective feedback on your practice from a colleague, enabling you to …
Communication and consent Communication and patient partnership Professionalism Safety and quality in practice
The Osteopathic Practice Standards
Communication and consent Keeping CPD Records Objective Activity Osteopathic Practice Standards Peer Discussion Review / Guidance
Continuing Professional Development Guidance
This document contains the full guidance for osteopaths on the GOsC CPD scheme requirements. The CPD scheme provides assurance of continuing fitness to practise for every osteopath on the Statutory Register, by encouraging osteopaths to develop their practice as members …
Planning / Workbook
Planning your CPD Workbook
Keeping CPD Records / Workbook
Keeping CPD records Workbook
Communication and consent / Workbook
Communication and consent Workbook
Communication and consent / Guidance
Using patient testimonials
Osteopaths, like other healthcare professionals, often make use of patient testimonials in their marketing literature and on their websites. Sometimes, osteopaths with high profile patients such as performers or athletes, are featured in articles about their work with such patients. …
Objective Activity Peer observation / Workbook
Peer Observation Workbook
Case-based discussion Objective Activity / Template