Many osteopaths are often concerned to seek feedback about their practice, often assuming that patients do not have the time or the inclination to complete questionnaires. Carol Fawkes, Senior Researcher at the National Council for Osteopathic Research shares research from …
At the conclusion of a clinical audit, it can be helpful to write up a brief report and to record it in order to support your discussion with your peer at a later date.
Topics should be considered on the basis of what could be specifically relevant for your practice, in terms your practice profile, continuing professional development, marketing goals or contractual obligations to other organisations.
Patient Reported Outcome Measures (PROMs) facilitate anonymous feedback from patients enabling osteopaths to check how patients respond to osteopathic treatment.
The CARE Measure is a quick (only 10 questions), clear and easy to complete patient-completed questionnaire. It measures empathy in the context of the therapeutic relationship during a one-on-one consultation between a clinician and a patient.