Communication and patient partnership Knowledge Objective Activity Osteopathic Practice Standards Patient feedback Skills and Performance
Building positive patient relationships
Diana Pitt graduated from the European School of Osteopathy in 1988 …
Communication and patient partnership Knowledge Objective Activity Osteopathic Practice Standards Patient feedback Skills and Performance
Diana Pitt graduated from the European School of Osteopathy in 1988 …
Case-based discussion Objective Activity
Kenneth graduated from the BSO in 2000. As a new graduate he benefited from the positive supportive learning environment at the Penn Clinic in Hertfordshire, where he worked for many years, as well as in his own North London clinic …
Case-based discussion
Alex Black graduated from the British School of Osteopathy with a Masters in Osteopathy. She currently has a practice in Edinburgh where she treats a wide range of musculoskeletal complaints, and runs an onsite clinic within the Occupational Health Department …
Case-based discussion Communication and consent
Osteopath Tom Munden shares with us what he learned during his first time carrying out a case based discussion as a CPD activity
Tom Munden graduated from the British School (now the University College) of Osteopathy in 1988. At the …
Objective Activity
The GOsC has been running webinars in which osteopaths have been trying out CPD activities that will meet the requirements of the new CPD scheme. One of the case-based discussion webinar groups found the experience so positive, they are continuing …
Objective Activity
Penny Dathan volunteered as an ‘Early Adopter’ – osteopaths who have been trialling elements of the new CPD scheme in groups in online workshops and then sharing learning and tips with peers. Penny qualified from the British School of Osteopathy …
Objective Activity
The group used role play to explore scenarios that members had encountered in practice to reflect on different approaches.
IntroductionMembers of the Carlisle CPD Group work in a variety of types of practices – including sole practice and practice …
Objective Activity
Discussion of a hypothetical case history, followed by group discussion of learning points and the Osteopathic Practice Standards.
IntroductionMembers of the Lymm CPD Group work in a variety of types of practices – including sole practice and practice with …
Objective Activity
How a group of osteopaths undertook peer observation.
SummaryThis example of a peer observation was developed by a group of around 10 osteopaths, some of whom work together in a group practice and others who are sole practitioners or …