Effective communication and shared decision-making are the foundations of a good therapeutic relationship between osteopath and patient.
During the three-year cycle, you must undertake CPD in communication and consent to keep your knowledge and skills up to date in this fundamentally important area of practice.
A wide range of learning resources exist; the following are offered as suggestions:
• Reviewing relevant sections of the Osteopathic Practice Standards and supplementary GOsC guidance, such as Obtaining consent
• Maintaining up-to-date knowledge of benefit and risk by regularly reviewing reports, research and advice available on the National Council for Osteopathic Research website
• Case-based discussion or case studies explored with colleagues
• Consent and communication resources provided by other healthcare regulators and organisations, and education providers.
• You can use these resources on your own to develop your knowledge and understanding, or use them as the basis for group discussion with colleagues.
Communication and consent
/ Guidance
/ Podcast
Welcome to the General Osteopathic Council podcast. This episode is slightly different to the others, as this was recorded back in September 2018. It’s a discussion with Professor Bill Fulford of the Collaborating Centre for Values Based Practice, and the …
Steven Bettles, Head of Policy and Education, is joined by Rachel Heatley, Senior Policy and Research Officer at GOsC, to discuss how speaking with patients informs our work, and why patient involvement is important. They discuss the various ways GOsC …
The visiting an osteopath leaflet can be sent to patients in advance of their osteopathic treatment to help them prepare for a consultation and encourage them to think about what they want out of their treatment. It can also be …
The Patient Goal Planner enables patients to identify two to three goals that are important for them to achieve on a weekly basis which they currently can’t undertake because of their symptoms. For example, those goals could include picking up …
The Practitioner Reflection form enables osteopaths to rate their own perceptions of person-centred care using the CARE measure. In particular, the resource helps osteopaths to reflect on their shared decision-making skills and aspects of care relating to patient values, needs, …
The Patient history template enables patients, particularly those with long term conditions, to present their history in a way that is meaningful to them, not just information on their condition, but their life.
This audio recording was developed as part of a research programme with the General Dental Council and the Collaborating Centre for Values Based Practice in St Catherine’s College, Oxford to support osteopaths and patients to make decisions about care together. …
Case-based discussion
Communication and consent
Communication and patient partnership
Objective Activity
Osteopathic Practice Standards
Peer observation
This is the final in a series of three blogs in which Stacey shares some of the most frequent questions osteopaths are asking when completing key components of the CPD scheme.
Most osteopaths have already undertaken a communication and consent-based …
With most osteopaths now in their final year of the three-year scheme, Lorraine discusses how osteopaths have been getting to grips with the verification and assurance process.
Your guide to the new CPD scheme provides a brief introduction to the new CPD scheme that launched in October 2018. It contains helpful information, useful tips and plenty of links to further resources to help and support you in …