Communication and consent
In conversation with the GOsC: Shared decision making in practice
Welcome to the General Osteopathic Council podcast. This episode is slightly different to the others, as this was recorded back in September 2018. It’s a discussion with Professor Bill Fulford of the Collaborating Centre for Values Based Practice, and the late and much missed Professor Stephen Tyreman of the University College of Osteopathy, and it explores the concept of values based practice, what this means and how it can be implemented. Both Bill Fulford and Stephen Tyreman were instrumental in supporting us develop our own thinking in this area, in collaboration with osteopaths, patients, educators and others, and this led to the development of our resources to support osteopaths and patients to make decisions about care together, taking into account what’s important to each of them. These are available on our website here.
We’re grateful to Stephen’s family for allowing us to continue to use this recording, and we hope that you find it helpful.
About the podcast:
In conversation with the GOsC is our podcast where you can find out more about us, the work we do, and how we support osteopaths and members of the public in our podcast series. Join our presenter, Steven Bettles, as he speaks with colleagues and experts in the osteopathic profession about issues affecting osteopaths, educators, students and patients. We’ll also share more about our work as a regulator and answer some of the questions we receive from osteopaths, patients and members of the public.
More episodes:
Patient involvement and shared decision making with Rachel Heatley
How to approach your first three years of CPD with Laura Turner