Communication and consent
Keeping CPD Records
Objective Activity
Peer Discussion Review
How osteopaths are responding to the CPD scheme so far
Lorraine Palmer
With most osteopaths now in their final year of the three-year scheme, Lorraine discusses how osteopaths have been getting to grips with the verification and assurance process.
As we head towards the three-year anniversary of the introduction of the new CPD scheme, which was introduced on 1 October 2018, I wanted to let you know about how the osteopaths I have been in touch with have been responding to the CPD scheme.
The majority of these osteopaths have emailed or called me and my colleagues in response to their selection as part of the verification and assurance process that we have been carrying out.
As you may already know, we are randomly selecting a sample of osteopaths from the Register every month, to seek verification and assurance about some of the CPD activities that have been declared on their annual Renewal of Registration forms.
The purpose of verification and assurance is to help osteopaths by showing them how they are progressing with the CPD scheme and helping them to reflect on their learning. It also helps us at GOsC to learn from osteopaths’ experiences to enhance the support and guidance that we provide.
We have found that osteopaths tend to respond in three main ways to the CPD scheme. You might recognise yourself in one of these groups:
- Some osteopaths appear to be confident with the scheme and provide good quality and reflective summaries of their learning showing the four themes of the OPS, and may include interesting case discussions that demonstrate how they have considered ways to enhance communication with patients and their own learning.
- Other osteopaths feel less confident and often feel as though they are struggling with particular aspects of the scheme, for example learning with others. They often get in touch to discuss their fears and concerns. We work to try to provide these osteopaths with support, to help explain and demonstrate how they can gain the benefits of the CPD scheme. In fact, through discussing and reviewing the resources we have provided on this website, these osteopaths often find that they have covered many elements of the scheme already through what they usually do.
- The third group of osteopaths don’t feel they understand the scheme and feel frustrated because it seems like a burden and a chore, rather than something that can be helpful – with their CPD, their practice and also lead to added benefits of engagement, support and community. However, when we talk through the scheme and help osteopaths to see that it’s built on what most are already doing, which includes engaging with colleagues, reflecting on their practice and doing CPD to meet areas of development, they have found this helpful to how they practise. We also help osteopaths to see that all the support and guidance they need can be found on this website.
If you recognise yourself in the descriptions above of either the second or third group, why not have a look at our CPD site to help you get to grips with the scheme. You might find this overview of the scheme a good place to start, and do have a watch of this 2-minute animation that explains more about the Peer Discussion Review.
Remember that we usually find that most osteopaths have already undertaken the relevant activities and it’s just about seeing how these activities fit with the new scheme.
I will be continuing to write blogs on the CPD scheme to help provide further support and guidance, so do check these out if you want more tips in the future and let me know via if there is anything in particular you would want me to write about.
About the author
Lorraine Palmer
Lorraine is GOsC’s Registration and International Applications Officer.